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Custom PC builds

We cater for all, big and small. We understand purchasing a PC off the shelf is not always the most economical way to get the PC you need at the lowest price. We build PC's to fit your pocket and can get your job done, whether it be general office work or designing graphics and the like.

Refubished PCs

Refurbished PCs

In some cases it's preferable to purchase a pre owned PC, the reason for this is simple: you get more performance for less cost. All refurbished machines carries a 6 month warranty.

PC repairs

PC repairs

We do all hardware and software problems including the following: PC freeze, Blue screen, no boot, no display, virus removal, full system reload and the list goes on.



Let us set up your home or office network swiftly and efficiently. We install network printers, adsl router setup, network switches and cabling.

Contact us

Floppy drive robot